Hi there! xD Its been more than 2 months since I last posted here. As usual, i'm back again to post another birthday post. This post will also contain 10 pics, unlike the usual birthday posts that only contains 3 pics 'coz matsujun is my bias. Yeah, I do have 2 bias, matsujun and nino xD *looks at my clock* It's currently 10:03 pm here which means it's already 11:03 pm in japan xD Yay! One more hour to go before matsujun's bday xD
Happy Birthday to Matsumoto Jun ♥
Credits goes here and here
Yay! I don't have classes tomorrow, but the sad thing is, my ipod won't function well ; _ ; I can't use it..I hope it'll be fixed soon ^_^ I'm scared that I might post this late so I'm now posting it even though it's not august 30 yet xD