Right now, I'm searching some communities of my favorite J actors and J actresses
And of course, I'm joining some communities right now using my livejournal account..
Anyway...the picspam for today..
Is all about: Sakurai Sho

I want to eat ice cream right now x_x

Cute Umbrella ^_^

No comment x_x
As I have mentioned above, I'm joining some communities using my livejournal acount..
Right now I have joined 20 communities that:
1. focuses on the group arashi
2. focuses on the group news
3. focuses on the group hey say jump
4. focuses on the group kat-tun
5. focuses on the group b.i. shadow
6. focuses on the j actor miura haruma
7. focuses on the j actor matsuda shota
8. focuses on the j actor oguri shun
9. focuses on the j actor sakamoto shogo
10. focuses on the j actress aragaki yui
11. focuses on the j actress horikita maki
12. focuses on the j actress inoue mao
13. focuses on the j actress toda erika
14. focuses on the johnny's junior ikuta toma
15. focuses on the johnny's junior yamashita shoon
16. focuses on the magazine scans j actors, j actresses and etc. in Japan
17. focuses on the fanfics all about hey say jump
18. focuses on the news all about j actors, j actresses and etc. in Japan
19. focuses on the j actor koike teppei
20. focuses on the subbed clips all about arashi
As for the last 2 communities I have joined..
I don't know if I'm accepted or not because their community is moderated..
Meaning they could choose if they want to accept or reject me x_x
Hope that they'll accept me..^_^
Well that's it for now..
Byebye x_x
Adikz. Ang dami mong sinasalihan. Err. Di ka ba nahihilo?? x_x ENIWI, angkyot ni Sho. Laki lang ng noo pero ano naman?! PUHAHA! Sakurap. >_<