Sunday, August 29, 2010

Happy Birthday Matsumoto Jun ♥

Hi there! xD Its been more than 2 months since I last posted here. As usual, i'm back again to post another birthday post. This post will also contain 10 pics, unlike the usual birthday posts that only contains 3 pics 'coz matsujun is my bias. Yeah, I do have 2 bias, matsujun and nino xD *looks at my clock* It's currently 10:03 pm here which means it's already 11:03 pm in japan xD Yay! One more hour to go before matsujun's bday xD

Happy Birthday to Matsumoto Jun ♥

Credits goes here and here

Yay! I don't have classes tomorrow, but the sad thing is, my ipod won't function well ; _ ; I can't use it..I hope it'll be fixed soon ^_^ I'm scared that I might post this late so I'm now posting it even though it's not august 30 yet xD

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Happy Birthday Ninomiya Kazunari ♥

I'm really busy this week 'coz I'm still completing the subject requirements. In my previous post, I promised that I'll post somthing on June here I am, posting another birthday post xD Usually, the birthday post picspam is just 3 pics right? For this birthday post, I'm going to post 10 pics because the one celebrating his birthday today is Ninomiya Kazunari!!!!! ♥

Happy Birthday to Ninomiya Kazunari ♥

Credits goes here

I usually repost my post here in my lj and it's not friends lock. But right now, I'll repost the link of this post in my lj but it would be friends lock 'coz I can't make 2 posts today *cries*. I still have to cover my journal bye for now..see you soon xD

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Happy Birthday Sakamoto Shogo ^_^

I know I should've made an entry last June 3, 10 and 11 'coz it was Miura Shohei, Wakaba Ryuya and Aragaki Yui's bday, but, I didn't made any 'coz I was too lazy to make one. LOL, sorry about that xD

Today is Sakamoto Shogo's birthday, so, happy birthday♥♥♥!!!

Credits for the pics goes to juriaechizen

Internet connection is so unstable ; _ ;
I wish it will be fine soon ^_^
Bye for now xD I think I'll be back on June 17 if I'm not busy LOL

Monday, May 31, 2010

Maki, Gakky and Ryoko!!!

From March 24 up to April 10..I wasn't around the net so I didn't make any b-day posts for takaki yuya, okamoto keito, maeda goki, miura haruma and yamashita tomohisa ; _ ;
I just realized..I haven't make any picspams for horikita maki, kobayashi ryoko and aragaki I'm gonna make one now..LOL

First is Horikita Maki

Isn't she cute? xD


Tokujo Kabachi Shomaki anyone?

Next is Aragaki Yui cute ♥

Rainbows♥♥♥ Reminds me of cougharashicough

Rain.... xD

Last for today's picspam is Kobayashi Ryoko

She's Sakita Shiori in Maou ^_^ I love the NarusexShiori pairing xD

Juliet!!!!!! and Ueda Tatsuya is Romeo xD

So cute ♥♥

Credits to some people goes here

Its been a long time since I made some picspams xDDDDD
I don't know when I'll be back..but I may be around on June 17 xD
Bye for now ^_^

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Happy Birthday Nakajima Kento ^_^

This birthday post is not late xD
Time to celebrate XD

Happy Birthday to Nakajima Kento♥♥♥

Huhu...I'm missing b.i. shadow
If some people weren't biased, I may be able to see b.i. shadow again ^_^
Just my opinion XD Don't mind it ^_^

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Happy Birthday Kikuchi Fuma ^_^

....Another late birthday post :(
*blames school for giving me exams...LOL XD*
Reasons why I posted this today rather than last Sunday:

  1. Busy reviewing for my exams. The exams were given from march 3-5 but I was absent on those days because I'm sick :( I took my 6 exams yesterday and another 2 exams a while ago :(((
  2. There's no internet connection yesterday :(((((((((((((((
But Happy Belated Birthday to Kikuchi Fuma XDDDDDDDDDD

Finally, all my exams are over!!!!!!!!!!!
Just 1-2 weeks before summer vacation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Happy Birthday Kamenashi Kazuya ^_^

Hello there!
Its been a while since i last posted something in blogspot
*blames school for making me busy* XD

Happy Birthday to Kamenashi Kazuya!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I think I got those pics at boyspaper so credits to boyspaper for the pics
There are so many projects to pass on this week
Our exam is on next week
I hope I could survive this week and next week x_x

Friday, February 5, 2010

Microsoft defends itself against op-ed by former VP

Here's my computer news for today:

Microsoft defends itself against op-ed by former VP

IDG News Service - Microsoft defended itself against an opinion piece written by a former vice president, who argued the software company has lost its edge and is "failing" as a result. In response, the software company said it remains competitive and innovative.
Dick Brass, who was a vice president at Microsoft from 1997 to 2004, didn't pull any punches in the opinion piece he authored

"Microsoft has become a clumsy, uncompetitive innovator. Its products are lampooned, often unfairly but sometimes with good reason," Brass wrote in The New York Times.
He hit Microsoft for its "inept" marketing, and compared the company to ailing car maker General Motors, saying its current profits are too dependent on Windows and Office, products that were developed many years ago. "Microsoft can’t count on these venerable products to sustain it forever," he wrote.

"Unlike other companies, Microsoft never developed a true system for innovation. Some of my former colleagues argue that it actually developed a system to thwart innovation," Brass wrote.
Microsoft defended its ability to produce innovative products in a blog post, saying it disagreed with Brass.

"At the highest level, we think about innovation in relation to its ability to have a positive impact in the world. For Microsoft, it is not sufficient to simply have a good idea, or a great idea, or even a cool idea. We measure our work by its broad impact," wrote Frank X. Shaw, Microsoft's corporate vice president of communications.

While Shaw's response addressed specific examples that Brass cited from his own tenure at Microsoft, including ClearType, the blog post didn't address his larger argument: that Microsoft's corporate culture and competition between different teams stifles innovation.
"The problem comes when the competition becomes uncontrolled and destructive. At Microsoft, it has created a dysfunctional corporate culture in which the big established groups are allowed to prey upon emerging teams, belittle their efforts, compete unfairly against them for resources, and over time hector them out of existence," Brass wrote.

To illustrate his point, Brass noted how the vice president in charge of Microsoft's Office team in 2001 refused to modify the application suite to work on tablet PCs because "he didn't like the concept."

"It’s not an accident that almost all the executives in charge of Microsoft’s music, e-books, phone, online, search and tablet efforts over the past decade have left," Brass wrote.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Happy Birthday Yabu Kota ^_^

I thought I won't be able to post this on time x_x
But I'm on time....Yay!!!!!!!!

Happy Birthday to Yabu Kota!!!!!!!!

Sorry but I forgot where I got this pics x_x
Maybe I should do Kame's b-day post right now so I won't be late?, I'm too lazy to do that for today XD
Well, bye for now XD

Happy Birthday Sakurai Sho ^_^

I know this picspam is late....
I should have have made this post earlier if I wasn't confined in the hospital x_x
So right now, I'll post this b-day picspam even though its been super late x_x

Happy Birthday to Sakurai Sho!!!!!!!

Credits to aznongaku for the 1st and 2nd pic ^_^
For the last pic....I forgot where I got that one x_x

Well, bye for now
'coz I have to do Yabu's birthday picspam XD
I have to hurry 'coz I don't want to be late again X_X

Monday, January 18, 2010


Its been a week after my last post......
Blogspot!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I really missed you XD

I also missed posting some picspams ^_^
The picspam for today is all about Inoue Mao

Cute Smile ^_^

Another cute smile? ^_^

I want icecream ^_^

Credits to ayenoliveros for the pics

That's it x_x
Bye for now X_X
Hopefully, my next post will be soon..depending if I'm busy or not XD